I Don’t Want To Be The One Who’s Missing

Lord, I see all of these Father’s Day posts, while I’m thankful for being honored. The thing that bothers me is the number of people who’s father has passed and they are sore lamenting the loss of their father and missing him everyday. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be the one who is missing. I don’t want my kids to lament me not being there. Give me wisdom God. I want to affect their lives in a positive way, I want them to be thankful, but I do not want them to miss me everyday.

Many words, meant to be said, were unspoken. Many hearts that needed to be known were left closed. Many that needed a touch from their father were left alone. Son, you have spoken into their lives. You have ministered my love. You have done well Son.

While you can’t control how you will be remembered, you can influence it.

Keep loving Son.

Keep listening.

Keep empowering them towards confidence and accomplishment.

Keep directing their hearts to love others.

That outward focus will leave them satisfied at your departure.

Son, I’m with you.

We have much loving to do.

Let us work while we have the light.

Move forward in me son, without shame and without apology.

Impact this world with my love and my wisdom.

That is your commission.

Why I Like Being A Father

When I was 14 I had a distinct impression/desire: I wanted to be a father.

It wasn’t just my hormones screaming, it was something different.

I wanted to speak into people’s lives.

I wanted to challenge them.

I wanted to take care of them, but not coddle them.

I wanted to be there as a blessing in their lives in a way that brought comfort, confidence, direction, wisdom, encouragement and more confidence.

Being a father was a big dream in me.

Philippians 2:13 says that God is at work in us to will and to act according to His good pleasure.

I really believe that the stirring of those desires as a teenager was literally God Himself on the inside of me, stirring up those desires. Well, if God is willing to stir up desires within me that are perfectly in line with His will then lets get busy, lets get stirred up. Bring on your desires Lord.

Now at the age of 58, after 34+ years of marriage, Nancy & I have 7 children. I love every one of them. We have two children-in-law with another being added soon. We have three amazing little grand-daughters. We are so blessed. I am so blessed.

But I feel like my heart is about 5% filled.

My desire to be a father is increasing.

We’re not looking for any new babies of our own.

But the desire to father is increasing in my heart.

God seems to still be at work in me to fill my heart with desires.

My desire to speak directly into people’s hearts, to bring them wisdom, encouragement, comfort, guidance, etc. those desires are increasing.

I see so many fatherless. Sometimes their dad was a failure at being a dad. Sometimes he just was not present. Sometimes he was a jerk. And I see the children’s hearts not being filled. This grieves me and motivates me. I believe I can stand in. I believe if I have the chance to speak I can love them the way their father should have.

Lord, help me to be effective in people’s lives. Help me to be a voice that fills the gap. I love you Lord. I want to represent you well.

I really believe that the human race has so much potential. If there was a father there to encourage them, guide them, help them…then we could see some amazing answers come forward to bless this world.

Maybe that’s what father’s do, they plant, fertilize, grow, weed, harvest answers for the world.